水曜日, 8月 12

Thai friend paint it

When I did chatting with OHM(Thai friend), we talk about dokodemodoor.

He is Thailander but he knows doraemon.

I was surprised!!

I felt Japanese cartoon is really popular in the world.


we paint doraemon by MSN.


He said "I don't paint very well".
but I like his doraemon.
coz I can feel Japanese cartoon is really popular in the world and
I can know he knows doraemon's colors.


Today is his birthday~~12.Aug
Tomorrow is my birthday~~13.Aug


MSN素晴らしいtool for me :)

5 件のコメント:

rimach さんのコメント...

You have a Thai friend? Great!! Tell him I'm learning Thai now. I like Thai alphabet so much, but I think it'll take 2 or 3 years to learn to read Thai :-(

nanami さんのコメント...

I have a Thai friend.
When I studied in Australia(Goald coast), we met.

He is so kind and he is often teach me English. when I have to write report in English, he gave me an advice.

Since I met OHM, we chat most days of the week by MSN.

He is good firend for me:)

nanami さんのコメント...

if u wanna know(see) him, I will introduce him for u.
I think he is here for u.

And he is studing English too.
so would u help his English for him?
I think it is nice relationship, isn't it??

m_yam さんのコメント...

Good to hear that you've made a good friend there! Does he have a facebook account?

Oh we met in Nishinomiya yesterday. Small world!! I was working there at that time.... It's okay because I enjoyed it :D

nanami さんのコメント...

I'll ask him "Do u have a face book account?".

we met in Nishinomiya yesterday.
I had part time job yesterday.
I worked in Nishinomiya.

I'm sorry to bother you during your work.

when I found u in my home town, it makes me happy to feel.