火曜日, 4月 21

i forget my wallet and porch(*_*)today…

I have to go my school and part time job〜

so EIKO lent me money〜



3 件のコメント:

m_yam さんのコメント...

Hi Nanami, long time no see!

It's good you just left it at home (perhaps), and not somewhere else.

One of the freshmen left her wallet in the school the other day. She emailed me to ask if I found it somewhere. (Of course not!) I told her to ask 教学課, and she found her wallet.

nanami さんのコメント...

I could find my wallet in my room.
I will not forget my wallet!!

m_yam さんのコメント...

Be sure about where your stuff is, nanami! (I shoudl say this to me, too!!!)